We are co-hosting the mini-symposium “Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)” at the 2018 World Congress on Computational Mechanics in New York.
Abstracts are sought that are relevant to the following topics:
ICME is an emerging field which promises to link manufacturing and design via advanced process-structure-property models in a seamless, integrated computational environment. It involves integration of information across different length and time scales for all relevant materials phenomena and enables concurrent analysis of manufacturing process and material properties within a holistic framework.
This mini-symposium focuses on such aspects and their integration in multiscale modeling approaches in general.
The topics covered include (but are not limited to):
- Multiscale modeling: Strategies for representing the inherently multiscale nature of the problem covering different spatial or temporal scales
- Enrichment and XFEM/GFEM methods
- Adaptive mesh or sampling grid generation
- Mesh generation
- Process-structure models: Part-scale and multiscale simulation of the manufacturing process for predicting surface topology and microstructure including defects
- Multi-scale material characterization
- Structure based property prediction
- Modeling of advanced manufacturing or joining processes
- Modeling of novel material systems
- Metal forming and materials processing simulation and design
- Process-part optimization for design of structural parts/components
- Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification
- Probabilistic methods in multiscale modeling
Further information can be found on the conference website. Deadline for abstract submission is December 31, 2017.