Research Profiles
- Google-Scholar: Timothy Truster
- ResearchGate: Timothy Truster
- Web of Science ResearcherID: Timothy Truster
- ORCID iD: Timothy Truster
Selected Publications
- Behnam A., Truster T.J., Tipireddy R., Messner M.C., Gupta V., Uncertainty quantification framework for predicting material response with large number of parameters: Application to creep prediction in ferritic-martensitic steels using combined crystal plasticity and grain boundary models, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 11 (2022) 516–531.
- Imseeh W.H., Ma R., Truster T.J., Moslehy M., Alshibli K.A., 3D dislocation density–based crystal plasticity model for rock salt under different temperatures and strain rates, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148 (2022) 04021166.
- Kulkarni S., Gupta V., Senor D., Truster T.J., Soulami A., Devanathan R., A microstructure-based modeling approach to predict the mechanical properties of Zr alloy with hydride precipitates, Computational Materials Science, 197 (2021) 110654.
- Aduloju S.C., Truster T.J., Primal interface debonding formulation for finite strain isotropic plasticity, Mechanics Research Communications, 112 (2021) 103606.
- Aduloju S.C., Truster T.J., A primal formulation for imposing periodic boundary conditions on conforming and nonconforming meshes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 359 (2020) 112663.
- Ma R., Truster T.J., FFT-based homogenization of hypoelastic plasticity at finite strains, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 349 (2019) 499–521.
- Aduloju S.C., Truster T.J., A variational multiscale discontinuous Galerkin formulation for both implicit and explicit dynamic modeling of interfacial fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 343 (2019) 602–630.
- Nassif O., Truster T.J., Ma R., Cochran K., Parks D.M., Messner M.C., Sham T.-L., Combined crystal plasticity and grain boundary modeling of creep in Ferritic-Martensitic Steels, part 1: Theory and implementation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019) 075009.
- Truster T.J., DEIP, discontinuous element insertion Program — Mesh generation for interfacial finite element modeling, SoftwareX, 7 (2018) 162–170.
- Ma R., Pilchak A.L., Semiatin S.L., Truster T.J., Modeling the evolution of microtextured regions during α/βprocessing using the crystal plasticity finite element method, International Journal of Plasticity, 107 (2018) 189–206.
- Ma R., Truster T.J., Puplampu S., Penumadu D., Investigating mechanical degradation due to fire exposure of aluminum alloy 5083 using crystal plasticity finite element method, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 134 (2018) 151–160.
- Chen P., Truster T.J., Masud A., Interfacial stabilization at finite strains for weak and strong discontinuities in multi-constituent materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 328 (2018) 717–758.
- Truster T.J., Masud A., A unified mixture formulation for density and volumetric growth of multi-constituent solids in tissue engineering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314 (2017) 222-268.
- Truster T.J., On interface element insertion into three-dimensional meshes, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 153 (2016) 171-174.
- Truster T.J., Chen P., Masud A., On the algorithmic and implementational aspects of a discontinuous Galerkin method at finite strains, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 70 (2015) 1266-1289.
- Truster T.J., Chen P., Masud A., Finite strain primal interface formulation with consistently evolving stabilization, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102 (2015) 278-315.
- Truster T.J., Masud A., Primal interface formulation for coupling multiple PDE: A consistent derivation through the variational multiscale method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 268 (2014) 194-224.
- Masud A., Truster T.J., A framework for residual-based stabilization of incompressible finite elasticity: Stabilized formulations and F-bar methods for linear triangles and tetrahedra, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 267 (2013) 359-399.
- Truster T.J., Eriten M., Polycarpou A.A., Bergman L.A., Masud A., Stabilized interface methods for mechanical joints: Physics-based models and variationally consistent embedding, International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (2013) 2132-2150.
- Truster T.J., Masud A., A discontinuous/continuous Galerkin method for modeling of interphase damage in fibrous composite systems, Computational Mechanics 52 (2013) 499-514.
- Masud A., Truster T.J., Bergman L.A., A variational multiscale a-posteriori error estimation method for mixed-form of nearly incompressible elasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (2011) 3453-3481.