We have an open PhD position starting in either the Spring or Fall semester 2016 at the Computational Laboratory for the Mechanics of Interfaces. The research topic centers upon the modeling of texture evolution in FCC and BCC metals using dislocation density based crystal plasticity. Particular emphasis is placed upon cyclic mechanical loading as well as the thermomechanical coupling between heat generation due to plastic deformations and degradation of material properties due to rising temperature.
Candidates should possess a master’s degree in civil, mechanical, or other related engineering field at the time of enrollment at UT. A strong background in computational mechanics, materials science of metals, and/or computer programming in MATLAB and FORTRAN is desired. US citizenship or residency is also desired, though not required.
If interested, contact Timothy Truster directly at [email protected]. Please include your CV along with a brief description of prior research experiences and how your interests align with the research conducted at CLMI. In your CV, include: GPA, GRE test scores, and publication list.